Saturday, March 29, 2008

Money, Money, Money Is NOT Our GOD! (The jokes on you, Pink Floyd!)

Album: Extremities, Dirt and Various Repressed Emotions
Artist: Killing Joke
Year: 1990
Genre: Tribal Metal
Label: Noise

After disbanding in the late 80’s, Killing Joke quickly returned in 1990, with a new drummer and renewed energy and rage. Martin Atkins, after being fired from P.i.L. for the third and final time joined Killing Joke as their new drummer. The tribal beat laid down by Atkins, along with Paul Raven’s heavy wall of bass noise, propels the band forward at extreme speeds (appropriate considering the album’s name.) Geordie Walker is in top form, his guitar grinding its best like a man sharpening an arrow head. But the Joke would be nothing without Jaz Coleman’s enraged vocals. The sheer musical power of the opening track “Money is not our God” is equaled and perhaps outdone by Coleman’s manic fury. Whatever happened to the tellers of the Joke during the very brief period between their break-up and reunion has pumped them full of raw and primal energy. The Album boils with uncontained power, like a volcano about to erupt. Except in this case, you stand in front of the blast. Let it hit you and some of its energy will be infused into you. That sound coming towards you? That’s the sound of man reclaiming his primal self and returning to the land, a world of chaos unbound before him.

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