Saturday, March 29, 2008

Change of System

Rather than reviews being placed in the comments section where they are easily unnoticed, they will simply be posted as new posts. Homework related writing will still be posted to the comments section. Cheers!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I have never posted a comment on a blog. I will figure this out as I go. I have (obviously) not had time to read everything. But I have to tell you...

1) This makes me so happy. For you. For the world.
2) When I first clicked on the link and my screen turned into a wall of black, I laughed completely out loud. Very, very Andrew.
3) The funniest thing I DID read was your rip of poor Hunab Ku. Please don't ever write a review of anything I do that you don't like. OK?
4) Your longest paragraph... also made me laugh and caused me to get out a tape measure so I could let you know that it weighs in at a whopping 14 inches long. No inhale. That would be 36cm, in case you wonder.

Andrew, this is a work of art, intelligence, and, most of all, passion.

Huge Love and Enormous Respect,
