Sunday, April 13, 2008

“Dillinger Escape Plan Wannabes beware. I have a keyboard!”

Album: Sampler I received after Dillinger Escape Plan Show
Artist: Hunab Ku
Year: 2007
Genre: Mathcore…ish

Dear Hunab Ku,

This is the most press you guys are ever going to get, so… You clearly like the Dillinger Escape Plan…and Metalcore…and…no, that’s about it. Your music is incredibly derivative of the DEP and I really hope that works for you, because it doesn’t for me. If I had to pick, I would choose them every time, because they’ve been doing what you’re doing now better and for a lot longer. So continue screaming in my ear, I have a volume control I can turn you down. I have suffered through approximately three bands who all really wish they were the DEP and aren’t, I really don’t need another. That’s all.

Give my regards to your Myspace buddies,


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